E-mail Sis. Chapman

You can now e-mail Sis. Rachel Chapman at: Rachel.chapman@myldsmail.net

She'd love to hear from you.

Her physical address is: 1810 Winston Dr., St. Marys, OH 45885

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Wow mom! So much exciting news from this week! I can't express how proud I am of Rex! HE'S SUCH A STUD!!! I can't wait to hear where he gets called to! YOU HAVE TO VIDEO IT AND SEND IT TO ME!!!!! you also need to send me videos of Haleigh and Michael! I miss those kids! I'm glad you all got to spend the weekend together! I'm so jealous.
The people here are feeding me well! We get a lot of pizza, so I know I'm gaining weight. We have an exercise room in our club house so we need to really start using it. We have a car. There is only 1 set of sisters in the whole mission who have bikes. We love our car! Except my trainer is a really terrible driver, so hopefully it stays nice, we already had to send one car back and trade it for a new car...
This week was an okay one. Sis. O'Driscoll and I got sick. We both had a cold. I think mine actually is allergies. But we got blessings and are feeling MUCH better. That is one thing that I have always had a testimony of but it has grown so much since being out here. I love the Priesthood!
We have a few new investigators. Chucky is Rick Rohrers step-son (although he's never called him a step-child, he's just another one of Rick's kids). He is so golden! He committed to being baptized on April 27th! I am so excited about this one because it's actually mine! I will have taught him the whole time he's been taking the lessons! I can't wait! We are also teaching the wife of a less-active member in the ward. Donny and Lorrie Shannon. She seems really prepared to hear the gospel. Her husband works on Sundays so they can't really get to church. But when we taught them he seemed like an active member, such a strong testimony. He's been a great help in teaching her. We have also been receiving a few referrals from the ward, which is a miracle! We have been praying and trying so hard to get referrals from the members and it's finally starting to work! We also hope that with this conference people will "Catch the Wave"!!!
General Conference was so amazing!!!! I loved it so much! There were so many awesome talks on families and on keeping the commandments! My favorite one was by Pres. Eyring. I have been praying really hard for you guys that you will all be well. I have been worrying about Cory and Steph and the kids and Rex in Rexburg and Sarah in high school. Pres. Eyring said that I can depend on the Lord to draw nearer to my family as I serve Him. What a comfort!!! That was an answer to my prayers! It was exactly what I needed to hear right now. OH and Elder Holland!!!! WOW!!! I love his talks. They are always so amazing, I learn so much from him.
What were your favorite talks????
Mom-thanks for the updates on the ACM's, I really appreciate it! haha!
That's so funny about what Luke said about the gaining weight. It is so true!!!! I got to see him in the MTC once at a devotional. He looked so good! Such a stud.
They have changed the email rules and I am now aloud to email friends as well as family!!! I only get to check it once a week on Mondays, but still, it's pretty exciting!!!
Well I love you guys! Keep doing well! Thanks for keeping me updated on everything! You guys keep me going out here!

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