E-mail Sis. Chapman

You can now e-mail Sis. Rachel Chapman at: Rachel.chapman@myldsmail.net

She'd love to hear from you.

Her physical address is: 1810 Winston Dr., St. Marys, OH 45885

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


So it has been an alright week. Sis. Lemmon and I have both been sick, so we weren't able to really go out and do too much. But we did find 3 new investigators!!!!! Heck yah! So that was exciting!
We had some great lessons with the less-actives we're working with. Dane and his family are doing great! They are so awesome! Mom - he wants to have a cook off with you when  you come. ha! He made a pretty great cheesecake Friday night. I told him yours was pretty mean too. He didn't like that too much. haha! So he told me to tell you to start preparing now. He's the best.
We also met with Jill Shepherd - the dead guy lady. Her habits in regard to hygiene aren't the best, and she's making us dinner tonight. So we're a little nervous - pray we don't contract some awful disease. She is starting to remember things. But she is starting to think that we don't have anything to do but spend time with her, which is dangerous. We have to help her become self-reliant and make sure that she doesn't become converted to us instead of the Savior. She gets upset when we don't spend more than an hour with her at a time or when we don't talk to her everyday. So we're struggling with the clinginess.... but we're making it work. I don't think she understands that we expect her to do stuff - she has to stop smoking and start keeping the other commandments. She's fine coming to church and sitting in her chair all day reading, but the other things that are harder she's not too interested in. It should be interesting tonight.
Church was cancelled yesterday so we weren't able to get some other lessactives to church. I was pretty bummed about that. It was going to be one sister's first time back in a few years. But she should be able to come next week. I really hope so.
Our new investigators are pretty cool. One is an older lady, Betty. She lives around the corner from us. She's so sweet! We've shoveled her drive and taken her some cookies and stuff, but she's never had us in for a lesson or anything. But her husband has been in the hospital for the past month and she's having a really hard time, so she said we could come back and share some scrips with her and pray with her. She's adorable. But I feel so bad for her, she's really having a hard time right now.
Jenee and her son Nick are our other new investigators. She's met with missionaries in the past and her son is 13 and is somewhat familiar with our beliefs. She has great faith in Christ and wants to come closer to Him. She has lots of questions about our beliefs and so we set up a time to be able to come back and talk with her more about things. I'm pretty excited - she seems awesome!
I got a call from Pres. Vellinga this week. Rick called him!!!! Rick told him to tell me that he is coming back and that he is getting sealed to his wife!!!! It was exactly what I needed to hear! I was so proud to hear that Rick is going to make the changes he needs to to be able to go to the Temple. I hope that he does, and that he stays strong and is able to overcome whatever he is going through! I hope his kids are doing well too, he didn't say anything about them. I miss the Rohrers so much. They are the best family! I can't wait to see them again.
Other than that not much has happened this week. I did get an awesome email from Rex. He's so awesome! He makes me so happy! ha!
Transfers are next week. I have no idea what's going to happen. I don't know if I'm training or not again. I don't know if I can again. I'm pretty burnt out. I feel like I need to be with an experienced missionary for at least 1 transfer before I train again. I want to stay here in St. Marys, but at the same time I feel like I need to leave. It's hard. I don't know what to expect. I know that the Lord will send me where He needs me and where I will learn what I need to. I'm so grateful He's got it all figured out.
How are you all doing? How's Sarah doing? How are Cory and Steph and the kiddos? How is your calling going?
Sis. Chapman


You guys all sound great!!!
I'm so sad to hear that Sarah's nerve block didn't work. Dang! I was hoping she would be able to start feeling better. This has been going on for over a year now! Man... You're in my prayers Sarah! I'm glad to hear Reida's doing better! Can't believe that woman is 102... wow.
Branson sounds like a good idea. Sorry, I didn't get to that in my last letter. That will be fun! I just really hope I'm not a freak when I get home. Warn Maggie and Emma that I might be a freak. Let me know how the games went! I want to know who's playing in the big game! I hope that work for you goes well - hopefully you can have a nice little party for yourself after the week and hectic-ness ends!I don't know about leaving early... I'm already kind of leaving my mission early and I don't know if I want to leave earlier than that. I know President would let me, but I don't know if I want to... Let me think about it and talk to O'D, but I don't think we will.
So this week was great and terrible all at the same time. ha!
Monday night nothing too exciting going on. Tuesday we met a less active that no one in the branch knows. She's really nice, but not too interested in coming back. We helped Jill get moved! THANK GOODNESS! She's still moving bits and pieces. because they filed for bankruptcy the bank has the house and said that she could live in it 1-3 years. so she's taking her time. We also had dinner at a member's house! That was the first one since Christmas! So it was nice. I had my interview with President Vellinga. It was so great! I loved it. He asked me how my family was doing and so I got to tell him about Rex being out on a mission and how you guys are all doing and how Sarah ruined my car, he was very sympathetic. He said he wished he could have video taped what I said and sent it to you guys. He told me to write it down in my journal instead. ha! He's the best.
Wednesday we helped a less active dedicate her apartment, that went really well. Patricia Coffin is her name. She's a fun lady! Thursday afternoon we met our Sister Training Leaders for exchanges. I got to go to Bowling Green BIKE area... But it was snowing so we got to ride around town in the MINI VAN. good times as a missionary.... But SIS. O'DRISCOLL is in Bowling Green also! So I got to see her! That was so wonderful!!!! It's what I needed. I had a good time there. Friday was the terrible part of the week. That morning we went and taught this guy at the library, Melvin. He was a complete jerk to me. So rude, offensive, and disrespectful. I wanted to leave after being there for 5 minutes, but Sis. Mitchell kept us there for 20 minutes... I was so happy when that was over. My Darlene side was coming out. haha! Then we went back and got my stuff and I had to say goodbye to Sis. O'D, that was hard. So I got home and was already kind of emotionally unstable and then read a letter from Sis. Trussel back in Massillon letting me know about some things going on back there. Leilani tried to commit suicide and they still never see Rick. So then I kind of lost it and ended up having a minor emotional breakdown. I had to call Sis. Vellinga and let her know that I wasn't going to be able to work to efficiently and she told me to go take a hot bath and go to bed. I was so grateful for that. That is exactly what I needed. So this weekend was a little rough. But I got ahold of myself by Saturday and am fine now. It's just hard because I don't know what's happening back in Massillon, Sis. Trussel didn't give me any details so I don't know how everyone is doing. So President is having interviews out there on Thursday and is going to see what he can find out for me. I LOVE THE VELLINGAS. They are incredible people. They were meant to be my president. Sometimes I hate being a missionary. You invest so much in these people that you work with. They become your family and are so important to you. You work SO hard to help them and to bring them closer to Christ. But none of that matters. Because they all have their own agency. I hate it! But that's what this life is all about - choices. That is why we are here, to CHOOSE to go back to live with Heavenly Father again. Life is hard, but the gospel makes it a little easier. How blessed we are to know that!
Saturday we had dinner with this new family that we found last week. They had us over for dinner! How sweet! It was really good too! They made Chipotle burritos. delightful. Lucas seems interested but Lynne said that converting really isn't something she's interested in. But it went really well! Lucas' first question was, "why are Mormons on average more successful than everyone else?" ha! Loved it! He knows we're special people. When Lynne said she wouldn't convert Lucas said, "I don't know, I might drink the cool-aid." haha! They are funny  people. We like them a lot! We'll see what happens with them.
Sunday was great too! Church was great. I love the branch, they are fantastic! Then we went over to Dane and Robin's for dinner, they family who we are bringing back to church that loves to feed us. They didn't make it to church, family stuff, but Dane really regretted it. He said that the Sunday he came to church was wonderful. He said it was the best Sunday he's had in a long time. He started getting emotional too as he was talking about it. He has such a solid testimony and he knows that's where he needs to be. He talked about the 2 sister missionaries that converted him a little bit. I asked him what they would say if they were here. He said they would be disappointed. So I told him he needed to change that. I asked him if he was going to come back, if this was something he was going to do. He said, "I think so, yah, it's going to happen."
ALKEIURHAUIWFBNELUIHAWEIJURIAWUERHALEIUWH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HECK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was such an awesome moment. But he is TERRIFIED to do this. He's so scared to let go. He tells us that the only person he can trust is himself, he can't trust God. So we're going to have to help him see that that really is the only person that he can trust. I don't know how you help someone see that, but we're going to try. I'm just happy that he's making the choices right now to get back to the Temple. SO HAPPY! So we're having a lot of success with them - thankfully.
Yesterday Sis. Lemmon and I both woke up with colds... great. So we both carry a box of Kleenex with us wherever we go. that's fun. We slept a lot yesterday which was fantastic. We went over to Jill's for a lesson with her last night. Her new apartment is great! We love not being at her other house! She realizes the difference too! She hates going back over there, she can't feel the spirit. How cool is that? She realized that all on her own! She's reading the BOM and all the pamphlets we've left with her. She's doing so well.
Well that's pretty much my week. Not too much else going on here, just trying to stay healthy and busy. Tonight we are going to a member's for dinner and then are going to be planning and doing things at home the rest of the night.
I hope everyone is doing  great and that all is well back home! I love you all and miss all of you!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I hope the nerve block goes well today and that she gets to feeling better!

Anyway... I'm sad to hear about Grandma Reida. I hope that she's doing okay and that Grandma is alright. They're all in  my prayers.
This week has been so good! So the beginning of the week we were out and weren't able to really do anything. Wednesday and Thursday we had some lessons with a less-active who is coming back who's ex-husband was dead down in the basement the first time we went over. (Have I told you about that?) Her name is Jill Shepherd - she hates it when I call her Sis. Shepherd! haha! Reminds me of you mom! So Jill is the one that lives in the nasty disgusting terrible house. She is moving though!!! We can't wait for that! So we went over Wed. and had a lesson about recognizing all of the blessings that have come from her coming back to church and being obedient to the commandments - reminds me of Mosiah 2:41! Then we went over Thursday morning with the Jensons and helped her start packing up her kitchen. She gets the keys to her new apartment tomorrow! Thursday we also saw a less-active named Tammy Longsworth (She's the one that reminds me of Tammy Martin a little bit!) I love this lady! She's great. We met her son, Luke, who a few years ago would let the elders come over at 2 in the morning and play video games and got the elders sent home... But he was nice. He is in the navy, works at Starbucks, does some modeling on the side, and is going to school for Marine Biology... this kid is all over the place. But he's nice. We also saw another less-active that we had never met before -  Patricia Coffin. She is one interesting lady. But I really like her. I'll have to tell you some stories that we have heard about her later, they're kind of long... But she's fun. We're going back this week to help her dedicate her home.
Friday we had a Zone Training Meeting which was just phenomenal!!!! I loved it. And it came at a perfect time too. I have been thinking for a while now, I'm getting to comfortable with where I'm at. I'm not growing as much as I want and there are changes that I need to make. and then WHAM that's what our meeting was all about! It was pretty exciting. Have you read the first residency message for this month's ensign? DO IT! It's so good! So Friday night Sis. Lemmon and I decided to start making some changes and that we were going to be better! So as we are planning that night for our Saturday decided to try going to Wapakoneta, a town that is kind of far away from us. we decided to try to go see the Felvers (the family that lives on that farm who are AWESOME and he cooks really good food and is the hillbilly) It was really just a last minute decision. We felt pretty good about it. We were just going to stop by,  not call ahead of time.
So Saturday we leave St. Marys around 12:30 and get to the Felver's at about 1. we knock on the door and Robin (sis. Felver) let's us in and is kind of laughing and so is Dane (bro. Felver). We don't really know what's going on but we come in and they sit us down and we start talking. Apparently Dane woke up that morning saying, "I better get to work in the kitchen, I know those sisters are going to be on their way." HE KNEW WE WERE COMING!!! It was the coolest thing! We didn't call ahead or make an appointment in advance, but he knew that we would be there. It was awesome! But we got there a little earlier than what he was expecting so he fed us some food and then said come back over for dinner and I'll feed  you the good stuff. We were perfectly fine with that... So we headed to another member's house that we hadn't met yet and got to meet her! Deb Rupert is too sweet! Her husband answered the door and let us in. She comes around the corner asking, "Now what can I do for you ladies?" and then she saw our name tags and grabbed both of us and brought us in for a huge bear hug! She had heard about the new sisters and was wondering when they were going to come by and meet her. She was too sweet! It was a lot of fun getting to know her. She's sweet. Then we had about 10 minutes before we were supposed to be over at the Felvers for dinner. So we decided to just knock on one door. So I had Sis. Lemmon pick out a house and she saw one with some lights on so we pulled over, prayed, and then went up and knocked on the door. This young-looking guy answered the door and asked us what he could do for us and we told him who we were and he said, "come on in!" well we couldn't because his wife wasn't home yet, but he kept talking to us on his doorstep. We asked him if he knew anything about the church and he said he was a huge Glenn Beck fan, he's his hero! So I asked him if ever wondered what Glenn Beck believed in and he said yah, so I asked him if there was a time we could come back when his wife was home and share our message with him and he said, "I'm down!" IT WAS AWESOME!!! and then his wife pulled up and we got to talk to her for a little bit. SUCH A CUTE COUPLE! Lucas and Lynne. Lynne wasn't as excited as he was. They both teach a couple bible study classes at their church and are pretty deeply rooted, she wanted to make sure we understood that. But she said we could come back and talk to  him. It was a miracle! It really was - I think that's the first person that I have tracted into that has said we could  come back and teach them. IT WAS GREAT! then the even bigger miracle happened as we went back to the Felver's for dinner. So we eat dinner - pulled pork with home made bbq sauce and home made mac and chees and roasted chicken and oh my goodness so much food!!! And then after we're done eating Robin starts clearing the table and Dane starts opening up to us about the church and why he's stayed away and just lays everything out. He has such a strong testimony! He knows it's true. But he struggles with the Word of Wisdom and doesn't want to really let go of his addictions. He said that once he puts his mind to something though that's it, he's made up his mind. And that that was what was holding him back. I asked him if he was scared to make those changes. And he looked me dead in the eyes and said no one has ever asked  me that, yes, it terrifies me. And then Sis. Lemmon and I went on to bear testimony and talk about these things with him and it was just one of those moments where we didn't know what we were going to say, but we opened our mouths and they were filled by the Lord. I love it when I know I'm being an instrument in His hands! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! We told he knows he needs to be at church tomorrow. I told him that he has to stop living in the shadow of the man that he could be (thank you Pres. Uchtdorf - "You Can Do It Now") That made him stop and think. He walked away for a second and we asked Robin if we were being too bold and she said no, if you were elders you would be. haha! funny! But he kept telling us we were making him sweat and that he was "this close" to coming back. He was wrestling with the spirit the whole time. haha! So we left feeling great and we had faith that in the morning they would all be at church.
So Sunday we prayed all morning. We had branch council before church and when they found out the Dane was coming everyone got so excited! IT WAS SO COOL!!!! After the meeting we go sit down and say hi to everyone from the branch and then with 1 minute to spear in walks in Dane Felver. IT WAS AN EVEN BIGGER MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!! That made my whole week. I was so happy to see him there. He was going to go home after sacrament and then we invited him to come to gospel principles with us and it didn't take much to get him to come. and then he was going to go home after that and then someone invited him to go to priesthood. He stayed for all 3 hours. I knew the Lord had heard all of the prayers offered for him and his family. ah! I loved it!
So that was my week! It was awesome.
Sis. Lemmon is doing better. She still gets into these moods where she thinks she needs to go home and then I slap her (not really) and tell her that if she goes home she won't have experiences like we did with Dane Felver. She has to stay. and then she says "you're right" and stays. She just has to do some growing up and getting adjusted and then she'll be fine! She's a great missionary. I love her.
Sis. Jenson's mom passed away about 2 hours before they got there. But they were able to see their family and be there for the funeral. They said it was depressing having to go back home, they wanted to be back here in Ohio the whole time. that made me feel good. I missed them A TON! But they are doing great and are happy to be back!
I have written the Rohrers almost every week since I left Massillon and still haven't heard from them. Hopefully they're doing alright.

I did get an email from Rex. He sounds amazing. I am so happy for him. It makes me think of when I was in the MTC. That was a great time! Loved it. Do you know how long he is supposed to be there for?
Tomorrow we have our interviews with Pres. Vellinga! I'm so excited! I love any chance I get to be with him. He's so awesome! I can't wait for you guys to meet him. Love that man!
Well that's pretty much it for me. Not much else to report.
I love you guys so much! Hope you guys have a good day and that everything works out with Sarah.
sister chapman

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Christmas 2013


This week was so great! Getting to call Christmas morning and then see everyone later on was so fantastic. I'm so grateful for all of the amazing people I have in my life. I am so blessed with incredible family and friends. I felt so loved! THANK YOU!!!!
After I talked to you guys, Sis. Lemmon talked to her family. So some background on Sis. Lemmon. Her mom was a stay at home mom. When Sis. Lemmon started going to high school her mom got a job at the school. Sis. Lemmon has never had a job. She's never done her own laundry. When she went to school she went to Snow College and came home every weekend. She completely and totally has relied on her mother for everything her entire life. And she knows it. So being on a mission (and having me for a companion...) has been a bit of an adjustment for her. It has been really hard for her. So when she finished talking to her parents she kind of had a breakdown. It wasn't good. So I've been trying to help her through that for the past couple days. then on Saturday morning I'm getting ready for the day. Sis. Lemmon comes up to me and says we need to talk. I'm still really worried about her at this point and I'm not quite sure what is about to happen. She said, "tell me the reasons why I should stay on a mission." My heart broke. But then I felt the spirit. I was reminded of just a few months ago when I found myself asking that same question. I was able to bear my testimony to her. I told her that she needs to stay because she is going to find someone who needs what she has. She is going to be the one to help someone walk into the waters of baptism, and when you are sitting there watching someone that you have worked so hard with to get them to that point every disappointing, heartbreaking thing that has ever happened on your mission is worth it. All of it is worth it for that  one small, short moment. As I was saying these things I was reminded of some Book of Mormon scriptures that outline our baptismal covenants in Mosiah 18. Mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort. I was able to take advantage of this opportunity to bear testimony and to keep my baptismal covenants and be there when Sis. Lemmon needed me. That morning in my personal study I re-read Elder Holland's conference talk, "The First Great Commandment" (everyone please go re-read this!!!!!) and it was something that Sis. Lemmon needed to hear. The Apostles wanted to go back to their old life after Christ's death, but when Christ came back He told them no! He told them that He had called them to His work, and that they could never turn back, that call was supposed to have changed their lives forever. Christ needs disciple and He needs them forever! Our devoted discipleship and service to Him is how we show our love for Him and our gratitude for what He has done for us. As we discussed that article the spirit was so strong. It was an unforgettable experience. I told her that she should call President Vellinga, that he could counsel with her and help her make a decision. So she did. I am so grateful for that man. He is phenomenal! She ended the phone call by telling him that if she ever called him again saying she wanted to go home that he had to tell her no. She is so awesome! She rededicated herself to this work and decided to not give up. She is so strong! I can't even imagine how hard this transition must be for her. But I know she has been called here by a prophet of God for a reason. I know we all have been. And I'm so grateful that we were able to go through this together, it strengthened my testimony and helped me have a stronger desire to do this work.
So after all of that on Saturday we went to work and were blessed so much! We found a new investigator and were able to contact some great potentials! We definitely saw the hand of the Lord that day! It was grand. A day I will forever be grateful for.
Sunday we had a great church service. Sis. Lemmon and I taught the 5th Sunday lesson in 3rd hour. It went really well. We had a good discussion about the truths that we have because of the restoration of the gospel and how our lives would be different if we didn't have them. We then compared that to the lives of our family and friends who don't have the knowledge of the gospel and how we should want to share it with everyone because of the difference these truths have made in our lives. It went well. I can never tell how these members receive things like that. Hopefully they like it too... But I loved preparing the lesson. It gave me a chance to think about how my life would be different if I didn't know things like: God is  my loving Heavenly Father, the true nature of the Godhead, the priesthood has been restored and I can receive blessings, and have ordinances performed so that I can return to live with God, what my eternal potential is, that families can be together forever, that I have the Holy Ghost that can help me receive personal revelation, that there is continuing revelation today with modern prophets, that God has a plan for me, that Jesus Christ came to the earth and suffered and died for me so that I can be forgiven of sins - HOW FREEING IS THAT? - and so many more things. How blessed is my life because I know these truths that are of eternal importance. The gospel gives our lives structure and purpose. I think that my life without these things would be sad and would feel pointless. I NEVER WANT TO LIVE A LIFE WITHOUT KNOWING THESE THINGS!!!! I love being a missionary and getting to help people receive this knowledge and getting to see how it changes their lives. I can not wait to come home and be a member missionary and help the missionaries back home with this! More than anything else on my mission I have learned what it means to truly be a member of this church and what kind of responsibilities we have as covenant people of Jesus Christ! (you guys need to read the First Presidency message from the December Ensign!) anyway... After church sis. Lemmon got pretty sick and we were stuck in our apartment the rest of the day...
But things are going really well. It was a rewarding week. I love those weeks that you can look back on and smile. This was definitely one of those weeks.
I AM SO FLIPPING EXCITED FOR REX TO GO TO THE MTC IN BRAZIL!!!!! I was reading an Ensign and there was an article of MTC's around the world and it showed a pic of the one in Brazil that Rex will be going to and I completely lost it! I could see him there with his suit on and that name tag on his heart and just knew that he was going to be changing lives, his most of all. I am so proud of him and what he is doing! I have heard from a lot of people that he was a total stud giving his fairwell talk! I BELIEVE IT! He is totally prepared.
I love you and all and am so grateful for all of you!!!! - Sister Chapman


It has been a long week. But a good one! We still are having a hard time finding investigators, but we're making the most of it. I've ben kind of sick this week. I think it's a sinus infection. I've had a headache for about 5 days now. So it hasn't been much fun. and I can't get Sudafed because I don't have a legitimate picture ID (because of the stupid picturless driver's license I have...)
The senior couple here, the Jensons, have been so great! When we don't have anyone to teach or anything to do we go over to their apartment and teach them or just do stuff with them to be productive. They are the best! Sis. Jenson's mom is 90 and isn't doing well at all. At the beginning of the week they gave her 1 night, she's still alive though. But they are leaving today to be with her. It's where they need to be. But we're kind of sad because we were planning on spending Christmas eve and Christmas with them. They're like our parents out here and take such great care of us. But we'll call them while they're gone and all will be well. They're going to let us go over to their apartment to Skype you guys! I was thinking we could do it around 2pm my time? I hope that works for you... let me know.
We were able to contact this less active family - the Felvers. THEY ARE SO GREAT!!!! They have a farm kind of place, lots of free range chickens, goats, and cats. They also have gotten into the wine business (partly why they are less-active) and have their own vineyard. Bro. Felver is LEGIT. He is this huge hillbilly of a man. He LOVES to cook. When we stopped in he was making mince meat for some pies, fruit cakes, and candying lemon and orange peels. He is hysterical. Legitimately knows the guy from Duck Dynasty and I would not be surprised if he was the next star of a redneck reality tv show. They are so great! Sis. Felver is great too! Just welcomed us right in. We hadn't been there 10 minutes and bro. Felver asked us if we liked banana bread and then handed us a HUGE loaf for us to take home, complete with a stick of butter and home made apple butter. (Which you guys will have to try when you come out here - SO GOOD!) They invited us back for dinner tonight - I am so excited! I think we could get them to start coming back to church. Their daughter hasn't been baptized yet. The spirit is still in their home, they still have testimonies. So we've just got to figure out what they need.
Sis. Lemmon is doing pretty good. This is really hard for her not being home during the holidays, but we have some fun things planned for this week. Tomorrow we are having dinner with some families from the branch. They've got a bunch of little kids and are going to be doing a white elephant and lots of games. It should be a lot of fun! Then Christmas morning the Branch President invited us over for breakfast and then a family invited us for dinner. It should be a good time.
It's hard not being home for the holidays, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I know this is where I need to be. I know I'm fulfilling my purpose and I'm doing what the Lord wants me to do. It doesn't really feel like Christmas, just another week of the year. But I have LOVED opening the presents. This morning I opened the Book of Mormon! I LOVED THAT!!! I can not wait till I find the right family to give that to! I loved getting the letter and the pictures! That probably has been my favorite one so far! Diane, Sandy, and Bev and the fam sent me a package! SO SWEET!!! I need their addresses so I can write them and say thank you! I also got a letter from the O'Fallon Beehives - so cute. and emma sent a great package of course. Love her! And the branch made us stockings and the Jensons left some presents for us to open. We are being taken care of pretty well out here in the middle of no where. haha!
I can't believe Joseph is home already!!!! Crazy! You'll have to tell him hi for me!
Well I love and miss you all so much! Be good and eat a TON of food for me!  Rachel


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PRESENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been so much fun opening some of them so far! I felt so loved!
This week has been a good one. Long, but good. It started snowing Friday night and hasn't really stopped since then. We have about a foot on the ground right now. But it was a blessing in disguise because we've been able to go around shoveling a lot of snow and people are much more receptive to that than people knocking on their door talking about Jesus Christ.
Tuesday night we met with a family, the Bullocks. They are so great! It's just the 2 of them. He has kids from a previous marriage, but they don't live around here, they're all grown and have their own kids. She doesn't have any kids, she's been single until about 10 years ago. they're both in their 60's. But I love them! Bro. Bullock had a stroke about 5 years ago and has a hard time communicating and is handicap, but he is so funny!!!! She works full time and then takes care of him when she gets home. She is so tired, you can tell. But she is a trooper, super strong lady. She served a mission when she was 23. Her bishop called her into his office and told her he was calling her on a mission. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! haha! That would be trying... But they are so fun. He is from Oklahoma and has a good relationship with one of the big chiefs down there. He loves OK and the Sooners, so he likes me since I was born there. haha!
Thursday we went over to Sis. Tenney's house. She is so fun! She has 2 daughters that are off at school and she missed them so she invited us over to make Christmas cookies for people that we would be going to this week. It was a lot of fun! She's hilarious. She just got her masters in social work so we talked about that for a while. She's so cool. Mom, you would like her!
Saturday we started shoveling snow and then went to the Branch Christmas party. Not many people showed up. But we had a good time. Lots of good food. The streets were pretty bad, so weren't able to do a lot of what we wanted to.
Sunday the  roads were still bad so they cancelled church. We had no idea what to do with 5 free hours... So we went over to the Jensons and they fed us and we had a coordination meeting and got some plans made for Christmas Eve and Christmas. I am so grateful they are here. We haven't gotten any invitations for Christmas or for skyping home, so we are planning on just doing everything with them. They are excited for it too! I need to get a picture with them so you can "see" them. Well, I bet you can meet them when we Skype at their apartment. (When do you guys want to do that? sis. Lemmon's family is Utah, so we would need to do it a little later so that they will be awake. We were thinking afternoon sometime.... Let me know... I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!)
Yesterday we had district meeting, that was fun! A few of the missionaries in our district just got their visas to Brazil so we were a little smaller than normal. I AM SO STOKED REX GOT HIS VISA ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful he won't have to do that whole transition thing of staying in the states, it's so hard on them. yay!
I forgot to tell you about the visitor we had come on Saturday... WE FOUND A BED BUG!!! I have been praying my whole mission I would never get them. We found 1 and then tore our entire bedroom apart looking for more or for any signs of them. we couldn't find anything! But we still took all of our clothes and bedding and stuff to the Laundromat. (the dryer has to be at least 115 degrees to kill them and their eggs and the ones that people have in their homes don't get hot enough...) So that was quite the ordeal. But its over and we still haven't found anymore. THANK GOODNESS!!!!
It's been a pretty uneventful week... We still don't have any investigators and aren't teaching very many lessons at all, so it's been kind of slow. But we are still working hard trying to find as many people as we can.
Well I hope you guys have a great week! I miss you all so much and can't wait to actually talk to you guys soon!!!!
LOVE YOU!  -Rachel