E-mail Sis. Chapman

You can now e-mail Sis. Rachel Chapman at: Rachel.chapman@myldsmail.net

She'd love to hear from you.

Her physical address is: 1810 Winston Dr., St. Marys, OH 45885

Monday, July 7, 2014


Yesterday was really hard. I was doing fine, not having a hard time at all until Sis. Kawa started giving her talk in Sacrament meeting. She and her family are the ones who lived in St. Louis for a few years. They are moving this week to Utah so it was her goodbye talk coupled with Father's day. So she was talking about how she was going to miss everyone and all the memories they've made and then started talking about families and her dad and all the things they've done together yadda yadda yadda. And all of a sudden I COMPLETELY LOST IT. I have no idea what was going on yesterday. I think because it's getting so close I am missing you guys more and more and it's getting really hard to not think about seeing you in a few weeks and then I miss you EVEN MORE and it's just getting super duper hard. It definitely surprised me. Hopefully I can get it together soon. I think I'm freaking out my companion. haha!
Other than that things are going really well!
DAD IS IN THE BISHOPRIC!!!!!!!!!! So awesome! He is great! I can't wait to hear about you getting called into the relief society presidency or some stake auxiliary...  hahaha! it's totally going to happen. That's what you get for having 2 kids on a mission. :)
I am so glad you guys are having fun on the Lake! That will be a blast! i'm so jealous! We can see people out on lake erie all the time and it makes me miss it so much! But I have to say it is going to be THE WEIRDEST THING putting on a swimsuit again and actually getting in the water.... too weird.
So what kind of treatment is this that Sarah is doing? is it like some kind of radiology or a laser or is like a pill. there are some people here who's granddaughter is really struggling with something that sounds like Sarah and they would like to know what it is too!

I love you so so so so much! I hope you're having a good day!

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